Edizioni CERFIM Locarno

"Atti del colloquio di matematica 1990-1992"


A cura di D.Merlini, R.Moresi
357 pagine.
Locarno, Dicembre 1994
G.Mazzola "Mathematical Music Theory- An Informal Survey."
A.Frei "Shape: Dalla topologia alle rappresentazioni."
M.Brodmann "Vom Möbius-Band zur Hilbert-Funktion."
M.Brodmann "Generalized Castelnuovo Bounds."
A.Derighetti "Serie di Fourier e operatori di convoluzione."
D.Arlettaz "Les groupes d`homotopie del sphères."
H.A.Keller "Measures on orthomodular vector space lattices."
R.Salazar "A family of trivial Hamiltonian-connected graphes."
R.Salazar "Rotatable graceful caterpillars."
A.Leriy "Normes et Théorème 90 d'Hilbert."
D.B.Shapiro "An iteration problem in plane geometry."
F.Appenzeller "Teoria algebrica dei modelli."
M.Wild "Plongement denses des treillis finis dans les treillis de Boole."
C.Herrmann "Galois lattices."
R.Moresi "Hermitean (semi)latices with index function."
G.M.Graf "Completezza asintotica del problema quantistico a n corpi."
D.A.Huckaby "Phase transitions in an exactly solvable three-component system."
P.Jetzer "Gravitational micro-lensing: a possible method for detecting galactic dark matter."
R.Gruber "Stability of Magnetic fusion devices."
A.Danani, M.Rasetti "Dynamical algebras and superalgebras for interacting-itinerant many-electrons systems."
S.Beltraminelli, D.Merlini, L.Rusconi "Orbite inverse nel problema del 3n + 1."

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